
interface DatabaseAdapter


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Begins a transaction in EXCLUSIVE mode.
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abstract fun close()
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abstract fun compileStatement(sql: String): StatementWrapper
Compiles an SQL statement into a reusable pre-compiled statement object.
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abstract fun delete(table: String): Int
Convenience method for deleting all rows in a table.
abstract fun delete(table: String, whereClause: String, whereArgs: Array<String>): Int
Convenience method for deleting rows in the database.
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abstract fun endTransaction()
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abstract fun execSQL(sql: String)
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abstract fun executeInsert(sqLiteStatement: StatementWrapper): Long
Execute statement and return the ID of the row inserted due to this call.
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abstract fun executeUpdateDelete(sqLiteStatement: StatementWrapper): Int
Execute this SQL statement, if the the number of rows affected by execution of this SQL statement is of any importance to the caller - for example, UPDATE / DELETE SQL statements.
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abstract fun getDatabaseName(): String
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abstract fun insert(table: String, nullColumnHack: String, values: ContentValues): Long
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abstract fun isReady(): Boolean
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abstract fun query(sql: String, columns: Array<String>): Cursor
abstract fun query(table: String, columns: Array<String>, selection: String, selectionArgs: Array<String>): Cursor
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abstract fun rawQuery(sql: String, selectionArgs: Array<String>): Cursor
Runs the provided SQL and returns a Cursor over the result set.
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abstract fun update(table: String, values: ContentValues, whereClause: String, whereArgs: Array<String>): Int